
Richtlinien für Autor/innen


  • There are no processing or submission charges.
  • Please submit all manuscripts for consideration by e-mail as a document formatted in “doc” or“docx”.
  • Submitted articles should have between 5.000 and 10.000 words in length, including footnotes.Submissions that fall short of 5.000 words or exceed 10.000 words will only be accepted in rarecases when approved by the editor beforehand.
  • Normally Aegyptiaca will not consider for publication articles previously published elsewhere,whether in print or online.
  • Please eliminate all identifying information from your manuscript, in order to facilitate blind peerreview. If you must include references to your own work, avoid using the first person in connection with it.
  • Formatting your file:
    Please check to be sure that your file does not have visible editorial markups; that is, if you have edited your file with “track changes” or if you have made comments, be sure to remove those markings before submitting your file.
    Please do not “lock” your file.
  • Formatting your document:
    Lines should be double-spaced, including quotations and footnotes, using Times New Roman font in 12-point size.
    Left-align all text (do not justify). Use 1” or 2.54 cm margins all around, i.e. top and bottomas well as right and left. Set paper size to A4 (297mm x 210 mm).
    Place page numbers on each page in the bottom centre.
    Please use only footnotes and not endnotes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and double-spaced. In reviews of books, there should be no footnotes, all material being incorporated into the text.
    Footnotes should be used for citation purposes only and should not contain any discussion that cannot be incorporated into the text of the article.
    Punctuation should be included within quotation marks only if it is part of the quotation cited.
    Long-format quotations should be free of external quotation marks and indented flush-left 0.5” (1.27 cm).
    Spelling, punctuation, use of decimals, and other conventions is accepted both UK and US standard (neue deutsche Rechtschreibung/ nouvelle orthographe française), as long as the text is consistent.


  • Authors are expected to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (e.g.photographs) used in their articles. Please submit image files as 300-dpi TIFs. Supply a list of figures and/or tables, including a caption for each, accompanied by a source line and suchacknowledgments as are required. If you are unable to submit TIFs, please contact the editor.
  •  Figures and/or tables should only be indicated with textual placeholders in the manuscript.

Quotations in foreign languages


  • Single words or short phrases, where essential to the argument, may be left in the originallanguage; all quotations should appear in the body of the text in English (in German for Germanarticles/ French for French articles).
  • The text in its original language should appear in the footnotes whenever practical.
  • In cases where standard scholarly translations of quoted texts are available, scholars may rely upon them for both text and footnotes according to the professional standards of their fields of specialization. If such editions are not widely and readily available, and the author has not provided the original text in the footnotes, the author must provide the original texts in an appendix for thereviewers’ use.
  • If an article contains extensive blocks of special characters in a non-Latin alphabet, authors need to submit the complete blocks as image files, not in text format.


  • Aegyptiaca generally follows the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, an abbreviated version can be found here:
    There is one adjustment to The Chicago Manual of Style: Commas and periods closing citations should be placed behind the quotation mark and not inside. E.g.:Joshua I. Weinstein, “The Market in Plato’s Republic”, Classical Philology 104 (2009): 440.Weinstein, “Plato’s Republic”, 452–53. Weinstein, Joshua I. “The Market in Plato’s Republic”. Classical Philology 104 (2009): 439–58.
  • The published works of many authors have standard critical or scholarly editions, and some have similarly standard English translations. For any author or text treated or discussed in a substantial manner, please use these editions when they exist. If you quote a translation in the body of the article, the reference should include a citation to that passage in the original-language edition as well. If there is no English translation and the translation in the body of the article is yours, it is preferable to quote in your footnotes the text in the original as well as providing for reference.

Classical references

  • The edition, as well as credit for translation, must be specified the first time a work is cited. You should use standard scholarly editions and translations when they exist for the work in question unless your argument requires otherwise.
  • References to information supplied by a modern editor must include page numbers.
  • References to the classical text must include the standard identification numbers for that text, such as book and chapter numbers or Stephanus numbers. Use Arabic numbers for all divisions.
  •  Plato Republic 360E–361B.
  •  Cicero De officiis 1.133.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used.

Submission of final draft for publication

  • If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit a finalized article manuscript with all images as needed. Delays at this stage may affect publication date. To avoid delays in the production of the journal, proofs will be sent to contributors on a strict schedule, usually in electronic format (PDF). Any amendments or corrections should be sent to the editors electronically as soon as possible after receipt of proofs. If a contributor’s corrections have not been received on time, the editors will take responsibility for checking, correcting and passing along all proofs for publication.

Schutz personenbezogener Daten

Namen und E-Mail-Adressen, die auf den Webseiten der Zeitschrift eingegeben werden, werden ausschließlich zu den angegebenen Zwecken verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.