Contribuţia şcolii arheologice ieşene din ultima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea la cunoaşterea civilizaţiei geto-dacice
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The Contribution of the Archaeological School in Iaşi (1949-1999) to the Knowledge of the Geto-Dacian CivilisationIn this article is pointed out the contribution of the historians from the «Al. I. Cuza» University, researchers and the museologists from Iaşi to the knowledge of the Geto-Dacian civilisation through the archaeological excavations and the published studies. The research of the last 50 years about V B.C. - II A.D. centuries have contributed to: a) a substantial increase of the number of fortresses and settlements attested in the all zones of the east-Carpathian space; b) the knowledge of the types of settlements specific to each zone; c) discoveries of some interesting complexes; d) a quantitative increase and diversity of the recovered materials resulting in to marking out chronological sequences; e) a correct estimation of the relations with Greeks, Scythians, Celts, Bastams, Romans, Sarmatians; f) the possibility of a more truthful reconstitution of geto-dacian religion and East Geto-Dacian history in general. The elaboration of a substantiated synthesis about the history of East Dacia on the basis of the new discoveries would be useful, at the same time, for a more suitable guidance of future researches.
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