Contribuţia şcolii arheologice ieşene din ultima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea la cunoaşterea civilizaţiei geto-dacice

  • Silviu Sanie (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)

Identifiants (Fichiers)


The Contribution of the Archaeological School in Iaşi (1949-1999) to the Knowledge of the Geto-Dacian Civilisation

In this article is pointed out the contribution of the historians from the «Al. I. Cuza» University, researchers and the museologists from Iaşi to the knowledge of the Geto-Dacian civilisation through the archaeological excavations and the published studies. The research of the last 50 years about V B.C. - II A.D. centuries have contributed to: a) a substantial increase of the number of fortresses and settlements attested in the all zones of the east-Carpathian space; b) the knowledge of the types of settlements specific to each zone; c) discoveries of some interesting complexes; d) a quantitative increase and diversity of the recovered materials resulting in to marking out chronological sequences; e) a correct estimation of the relations with Greeks, Scythians, Celts, Bastams, Romans, Sarmatians; f) the possibility of a more truthful reconstitution of geto-dacian religion and East Geto-Dacian history in general. The elaboration of a substantiated synthesis about the history of East Dacia on the basis of the  new discoveries would be useful, at the same time, for a more suitable guidance of future researches.

