Însemnări pe marginea unui recent volum despre depozitele din Bronzul timpuriu și mijlociu din România
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http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-amold-290408 (PDF (Limba Română))
Notes on the Recent Book about Early and Middle Bronze Age Deposits in RomaniaWithin the fascinating and complex field of bronze-hoard studies in Romania, the monographic works published so far draw up a surprising image in terms of richness and typological variety thereof. Such a monograph signed by researcher Tudor Soroceanu (Berlin), one of the most competent specialists in the study of Carpathian bronze items, is analyzed in this note. His work, in which bronze deposits of the Early and Middle Bronze Age on the territory of today’s Romania are inventoried, is designed to criticize and complete one of the fundamental contributions in the research of bronze hoards: Depozitele de bronzuri din România (Bucharest, 1977), signed by the late academician Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovița of Iași. By studying T. Soroceanu’s work in depth, the author of the present paper observes and delineates the critical accents thereof from the positive nuances of the volume published in 1977. A series of methodological remarks and opinions regarding the historical judgment of the phenomenon of bronze item depositing during the first two periods of the Bronze Age, which would have been particularly interesting from the book reviewer’s perspective, in T. Soroceanu’s work, are herewith presented.
Keyword: copper and bronze hoards, Early and Middle Bronze Age, Romania, metallurgy.
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