Date preliminare ale cercetărilor arheologice şi istorice din Iaşi - Tg. Cucu
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On the occasion of archaeological assistance carried out in Iaşi – Tg. Cucu, “Palace of Justice”, from October to December 2011, there were discovered a number of seven basements of the houses with one or more floors, dating back from the XVII–XIX centuries. Modern interventions have displaced the older levels, so that medieval complexes of habitation (16th–17th centuries) were completely destroyed. The archaeological material is composed of fragments of pottery, decorative ceramics (wall- and stove-tiles, clay pipes), a pipe, a jewellery-stone mould, glass pieces, iron objects, from 16th, 17th–18th, and 19th–20th centuries. The fragmentary state of pottery did not allow us to completely restore any vessel, but that did not prevent us from identifying the types and various variants as presented in the inventory of medieval Moldavian pottery. All the pottery items were systematized in three categories: 1. reddish pottery, glazed and plain; 2. black and grey pottery; 3. kaolin and porcelain. The stratigraphic and planimetric observations, the corroborations of historical data by the results of practical archaeological research, but also the analysis of the entire artefacts, lead to the conclusions that, despite repeated modern actions, which displaced the layers of previous habitation, the area under investigation has been in constant habitation as far back as 16th century.Keywords: Iaşi – Tg. Cucu, basements, medieval pottery, tiles, glazed pottery, kaolin and porcelain, 17th–18th, and 19th–20th centuries.
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