Despre necesitatea unui demers istoriografic în arheologia din România
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Historiographical Approach in Romanian ArchaeologyThis work is intended to stress the necessity of writing about the history of archaeology in Romania and, particularly, about the. Bronze Age research. The first lines underline the archaeological expectations at the end of the 80's. The interviews realized by Sever Dumitraşcu reveal the need for renewal ot the concepts and methods of interpreting the archaeological data. After 1989 more and more archaeologists have begun lo point out certain aspects of the Romanian archaeological research. Their opinion is briefly presented in this paper. Further on it is noticcd the lack of such works written in foreign languagcs, a fact that impedes the possibility of being known by the international archaeological community. Concerning the Bronze Age hisioriography, the paper presents three questions that should be considered in writting about the history of archaeology. These questions regard what, when and how the archaeological issues were conceived in the past.
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