Monede descoperite în atelierele meșteșugărești din Târgul Romanului (punctul „La Bibliotecă”)
Identifiants (Article)
In 2012-2013, during the archaeological research conducted in the city of Roman (Neamţ County), at the “at the Library” point, 16 coins were discovered in two closed complexes (two workshops – A.1 and A.2). The coins found in the first workshop (10 pieces) are an Austrian coin minted for Hungary (1 piece), local imitations after an Hungarian coin (1 piece), after small Swedish denominations from Riga and Gdansk, minted by Gustav II Adolf, Christina and Carol × Gustav (8 pieces). Five of them might constitute a small hoard. All the coins discovered in the second workshop (6 pieces.) are Moldavian issues, belonging to Alexander I (2 pieces), Alexander I - Iliaș I (1 piece)
and to the period between the reigns of Alexander I and Alexander II (3 pieces). The first workshop was specialised in making iron tools; it can be dated to the second half of the 17th c. An accidental fire might have caused its end. The second workshop produced jewelry during the first half of the 15th c. and it was probably burned down together with
the entire city of Roman by Matthias I, in December 1467.


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