Descoperiri monetare din Moldova. IX (Numismatic finds in Moldavia. IX)

  • Lucian Muntenanu (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)


We continue the regular publishing of the coins found in Moldavia, by presenting several ancient and medieval coins from various museum collections. The coins were discovered in the following locations: I. Bosanci (Suceava county) (1 AR, Antoninus Pius, 155–156); II. Dodești (Vaslui county) (1 AE, Maximianus Herculius, Antioch, 304–305; 1 AE, Constantinus I, Cyzicus, 328–329; 1 AE, Constantius II, Constantinople, 351–355); III. Iași (Iași county) (1 AE, dupondius, Hadrianus, 125–128); IV. Tăcuta (Vaslui county) (1 AR, Traianus, 100; 1 AR, subaeratus, Commodus–Severus Alexander;1 AE, Constantius II, Heraclea, 351–355; 1 AE, Constantius II, Thessalonica, 350–361; 1 AE, Valens, Thessalonica, 364–367; 1 AE, Valens, Constatinople, 364–375); V. Tătăruși (Iași county) (1 AR, Commodus, 183); VI. Cordăreni (Botoșani county) (20 AR, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth: Poland (9 AR): Zygmunt III Waza, trojaki, 1590, 1594, 1595 (2), 1597 (2); 1599 (2),1603; Lithuania (10 AR): Aleksander Jagiellończyk, półgrosze, 1495–1501; Zygmunt I Stary, półgrosze, 1518, 1524, 1526; Zygmunt II August, półgrosze, 1558, 1560, 1561, 1562 (2); Zygmunt III Waza, trojak, 1593; Riga (1 AR): Stefan Batory, trojak, 1586).

