Uncertainty Visualization and Digital 3D Modeling in Archaeology. A Brief Introduction.
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Uncertainty is ubiquitous in everyday life and especially domains like engineering and industry, risk management or financial markets are increasingly aware of the far-reaching impact of uncertain data. Well-established research fields like the natural sciences are ever since concerned with the intangible phenomenon of uncertainty, as well as several disciplines like geography, information visualization, or any field concerned with the past. In this context, a range of disciplinary approaches were surveyed with regard to methods and techniques developed and applied to deal with uncertainty. As a result thereof various efforts were made to consider suitable taxonomies, quantification methods and visualization strategies. Emphasize is particularly laid on archaeology, highlighting the three-dimensional digital modeling and reconstruction activities and correlated archaeological discourse of the last two decades.
Important for all disciplines however is the highly complex interrelation between uncertainty and visualization for the appropriate and comprehensible representation of gained results.
Therefore, a range of visualization strategies is introduced, such as non-photorealistic rendering techniques, visual cues or several means for (re)contextualization, which evolved from disciplinary discourse in recent years. Also, some general visualization problems are mentioned. The final thoughts are meant to be somehow encouraging to consciously and creatively utilize uncertainty for future work in 3D modeling/reconstruction projects.

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