Online Exhibitions and Online Publications

Interrogating the Typologies of Online Resources in Art Museums

  • Maribel Hidalgo Urbaneja (Author)
    University of Glasgow
    Is currently a PhD Candidate in Information Studies at the University of Glasgow. She received a Fine Arts degree from the University of Granada in Spain and a masters degree in Publishing, Journalism and Cultural Management from the University of Rome La Sapienza. She has worked in digital publishing as graduate intern at Getty Publications, J. Paul Getty Trust, and fellow at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC.

Identifiers (Article)


As art museums undergo a digital transformation, institutions rethink physical exhibitions and print publications to create online resources which expand or replicate their traditional functions. Collection websites, online exhibitions, online publications, exhibition websites, and online exhibition catalogues coexist with interactive features which cannot be easily categorized in the previous typologies, the exhibition and the publication. Moreover, often these different types of online resources share characteristics and functions. This article intends to define two of the most relevant online resources typologies in art museums, the online exhibition and the online publication. The aim of it is to discuss and understand the importance of rethinking traditional typologies in the digital age. If typologies are necessary is because they help us to advance previous models. Both the definition and discussion are built upon the perspectives of art museums practitioners and a scholarly audience collected through interviews. The viewpoints of the two collectives help us understand existing conventions, preferences, and needs with regards to online exhibitions and publications in art museums.





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online exhibitions, online publications, online resources, art museums, websites, digital publishing
How to Cite
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel. 2020. “Online Exhibitions and Online Publications: Interrogating the Typologies of Online Resources in Art Museums”. International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 4 (May):3.28-3.45.