Summary of the Roundtable “Setting up a DH Curriculum or Certificate” at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (Toronto, March 19, 2019)
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This summary is a short overview of a roundtable discussion that took place at the Renaissance Society of America on the topic of the structure and organization of a Digital Humanities curriculum. I invited two representatives of European and two of US curricula, which were split up respectively into one for Digital Art History and one for general Digital Humanities: Leif Isaksen (Professor of Digital Humanities, Exeter), Peter Bell (Junior professor for Digital Humanities, with a focus on Digital Art History, Erlangen-Nürnberg), Hannah Jacobs (Digital Humanities Specialist in the Wired! Lab for Digital Art & Visual Culture, Duke University), and Ashley Sanders Garcia (Vice Chair of the Digital Humanities Program, UCLA). Both of the European cases are recent implementations of new curricula, whereas the US-American had established courses. While established studies do exist in Europe, as for example at the University of London, they are still quite rare.