Classical Studies, Digital Classics and the field of ‘new media encounter’

  • Charlotte Schubert (Author)

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The field of the new media encounter is a narrative of long duration in the context of modernization and progress discourses, which starts in classical antiquity with Plato's myth of Theuth (Plat.Prot.) and is continued until today, e.g. in Lévi-Strauss' Tristes Tropiques (A World on the Wane). In the Digital Classics which constitute a new field in this encounter we can see the possibilities of the multi-dimensionality - here the conditions of order and arrangement of texts are discussed, but also the change in forms of representation. The position of the project eAQUA within the discussion of digital media is analyzed and some of the
perspectives are discussed which have emerged from the project work: cooccurrence search, the systematization of chance (serendipity), rare incidents and new ways of contextualizing the chronological and spatial visualization.


New media encounter, Digital Classics, Methodendiskussion, Kookkurrenzsuche, Serendipity, Visualisierung