3 Die interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Konsens und Kompromisse in der Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Mobilitätsbegriffs

  • Romina Martin (Author)
  • Maria Hahnekamp (Author)

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After four years of work, the results of the working group mobility are presented as ethnological case study for interdisciplinary cooperation. Important steps are described chronologically by referring to protocols, summaries of plenary sessions and discussions about literature. By doing so, one can follow how this group analysed notions of mobility and the current state of research on mobility. Using the concepts of social world, arenas, boundary objects, and conventions supported the critical review of this negotiation process. Conclusively,
characteristics of the interdisciplinary group such as personal background, expectations and goals shaped how mobility was commonly understood at the end.


Mobilität, Spezifizierung, interdisziplinär, chronologisch, Synthese