La Mulâtresse Solitude d’André Schwarz-Bart : ambiguïtés et réversibilités dans la mise en scène de l’Histoire
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The writing of persecution and violence in La Mulâtresse Solitude is based on two central elements. One the one hand, the novel calls for a “reversibility” between Jewish history and black history: Solitude, the legendary figure of the Martinican Marronage, is a mirror of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance in Le Dernier des Justes. Antillean history and Jewish history unite for a designation of universal violence, which the author had already sketched, from a diachronic point of view, in Le Dernier des Justes. On the other hand, the author depicts Solitude as a subaltern, able to be a witness and even to surpass her condition. The originality of this paper focuses on the perspective of intertextualities as possibilities to open spaces of ambiguity in the text allowing both to say the persecution and to go beyond it as part of an eschatological cycle.