Das nicht-verstandene Ich. Eine kommunikationstheoretische Betrachtung von Italo Calvinos Gli amori difficili
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This article offers an interpretation of Italo Calvino’s tales Gli amori difficili (Difficult loves). Using the main elements of Shannon and Weavers’ transmission model of communication as categories for interpretation, the difficulties and failures of communication as central themes of these tales are explored. The analysis focuses on the identity crisis of Calvino’s protagonists, the problematic relationship between men and women, and on society as a disturbing influence on both the troubled self and their relationships. The study shows that the original message is not encoded properly, is changed by society’s influence, and cannot be decoded by the receiver. Therefore communication must fail – and the protagonists fall silent. Utilizing the communication model, this article acknowledges Calvino as a masterly observer of relationships and social bonds, offering a key to deeper understanding of Gli amori difficili.