About the Journal
The main motivation for this project is the facilitation of an interdisciplinary platform, bridging gaps between arts, sciences and technology.
This platform initiates interdisciplinary dialogues about the historical, societal, political, cultural, artistic and aesthetic dimensions of the interface and encourages comprehensive, interdisciplinary perspectives to promote an understanding of the interface as a dynamic cultural phenomenon.
We invite submissions (original papers, project or artwork descriptions) in English and do not charge any author fees. Please send an abstract of no more than 400 words to hello@interfacecritique.net.
We are also open to suggestions for special sections, containing numerous works from a joint conference or panel under a shared topic.
Please refer to the journal style guidelines and any additional information regarding call for papers on this website before the submission of a full manuscript.
We are also looking for unknown or forgotten texts and artifacts that haven’t been made public or haven’t been translated into English yet. These are welcome in any language and we will do our best to resurface them at least partially as long as we can obtain the publishing rights.