This is an outdated version published on 2020-11-12. Read the most recent version.



  • Deutsch Deutsch (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The starting point of the essay is the fundamental need to question one's own standpoint in intercultural encounters and to be able to take a critical look at cultural and historical influences. The essay starts from the formative effect of one's own language and emphasises that intercultural philosophising usually takes place in asymmetrical constellations which make the use of clear oppositions for understanding problematic. In order for intercultural philosophising to become a "deconstruction from the outside" (Jullien) in a strong sense, the essay suggests that intercultural philosophising should be understood as an exercise in practice. Following Rolf Elberfeld's transformative phenomenology, a description of the effects of practice is developed which does not reduce practice to habituation and habitualisation, but explores the possibility of a form of practice as a medium of critical self-reflection.



Published (Versions)