This is an outdated version published on 2021-11-15. Read the most recent version.


  • Deutsch Deutsch (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


In this paper the author argues that there is a fundamental connection between the experience of vulnerability and emotions. This has far-reaching consequences with regard to the social and the political sphere. First, the various manifestations of vulnerability are examined in the context of a phenomenological approach, whereby the focus lies on the normative-ethical dimension of human vulnerability. By reference to Martha C. Nussbaum's theory of political emotions, the connection between the subject-related experience of vulnerability, on the one hand, and a collectively shared experience of feelings such as fear, disgust, shame and compassion, on the other, will be examined in more detail. Finally, following Nussbaum, the question will be addressed through which social and political efforts positive, collective emotions can be specifically promoted.



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