A study on the training of complex problem solving competence

  • André Kretzschmar (Author)
  • Heinz-Martin Süß (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


This study examined whether experience with different computer-based complex problem situations would improve complex problem solving (CPS) competence in an unknown problem situation. Therefore, university students (N = 110) took part in a control group study. They were trained in five different complex problem situations for up to 7 hr, and their performance was tested in a sixth complex problem situation. The data analyses revealed that the training influenced the CPS process of knowledge acquisition. However, the CPS process of knowledge application was not impacted by experience with other problem situations. Implications for the concept of CPS as a trainable competence as well as the training of CPS in general are discussed.


Contributor or sponsoring agency
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (ATTRACT „ASKI21“)
Type, method or approach
original empirical work
complex problem solving, cognitive training, transfer, flexibility training, experience, FSYS, competence