Convergent validity of two decision making style measures

  • Gentrit Berisha (Author)
    University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina"
    Teaching assistant in Management department
  • Justina Shiroka Pula (Author)
    University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina"
    Professor in Management department, Faculty of Economics
  • Besnik Krasniqi (Author)
    University of Prishtina " Hasan Prishtina" and Staffordshire University, UK

    Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business, 

    Head of Management Deaprtment

Identifiers (Article)


Decision making research has witnessed a growing number of studies on individual differences and decision making styles, yet the lack of comprehensive frameworks and widely accepted measures has hindered research for a long time. There is an ongoing debate on whether individuals’ styles dynamically change across time and situations according to circumstances. Furthermore, it is an open question whether these styles are mutually exclusive. Decision style measures seek to determine one's dominant style as well as less used styles. To our knowledge this is the first study of the convergent validity of two widely used decision making style measures: The Decision Style Inventory (DSI) and the General Decision Making Style (GDMS). The direction and strength of correlation between directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral styles as measured by DSI and rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant and spontaneous styles as measured by GDMS have been tested. Results of the current study are compared with previous studies that have used one or both of the instruments. Correlations between styles are consistent with findings from other studies using one of the decision style measures, but the strength of correlations indicates that there is no convergent validity between DSI and GDMS.




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Type, method or approach
original empirical work
decision making style, Decision Style Inventory, General Decision Making Style, convergent validity