Wobec antyku. Malarstwo Kingi Nowak

  • Agnieszka Jankowska-Marzec (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


With the art of Antiquity in mind: the paintings of Kinga Nowak

The subject of the article is Kinga Nowak‘s fascination with the culture and art of Antiquity, which is reflected in her paintings. Her approach to Antiquity may be described as ’classical sensibility ‘(to use a term by Charles Jencks), in particular directed at the exploration of the topos of Arcadia. Nowak treats the heritage of Antiquity with affirmation, at the same time exploring possibilities of embodying the dream of Arcadia in her artistic practice. She finds inspiration in her numerous visits to Greece, in its contemporary landscape as well as in museum collections of the art of Antiquity. She is interested in ’musealisation‘, i.e. subsequent life in a new context of functioning, and also in modes of display, as well as in controversies concerning the possession of the works of art that have accumulated over the centuries. She is also stimulated by Greek theatre, the mysteries and rituals, for which she attempts to find contemporary forms of visualisation.

