„Kokaina/Cocain“ Rity Sacchetto i Augusta Zamoyskiego
Identifiers (Article)
Kokaina/Cocain Rita Sacchetto and Augusta Zamoyski
In 1922, the European tour of Kokaina/Cocain, a production created by the sculptor, August Zamoyski, and his wife, Rita Sacchetto, the dancer, took place. The performance was shown In Munich, Vienna, Zagreb, Budapest as well as Prague, and in 1923 it was presented In Warsaw. Sacchetto gained International recognition thanks to her "dance paintings" which could be included in the trend of so-called "free dance". In 1918, the artistic couple moved from Germany to Zakopane, where they began cooperating with the avant-garde group called Formists/Formiści (1917-1922). As a part of this endeavour, Sacchetto and Zamoyski developed the concept of "formative dance". Zamoyski presented its theoretical ground rules in a manifesto entitled Cele artystyczne Rity Sacchetto. Objaśnienia teoretyczne/The Artistic Goals of Rita Sacchetto. Theoretical Explanations (1919). This original concept constituted a synthesis of several elements: the colour identified with the costume and the movement of the body and sound. Thus, the combination was to result in "constructing a work of art without subject matter", which was further defined as Pure Form in dance. One of the illustrations of this formative dance was Taniec Mumii//Mummy Dance performed by Sacchetto. Its fragments were also included in Kokaina/Cocain production, presented by Sacchetto herself and her ensemble; Zamoyski created the set design for the performance. The production, combining dance, pantomime, new stage movement with modern painting and sculpture, constituted an example of avant-garde artistic explorations that broadened Formists' field of activity.