Wokół „Tańczącego Ognia". Kobiety artystki w grupie Jung Idysz

  • Izabella Powalska (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


Around the "Dancing Fire". Women-Artists in the Yung Yidish Group

The Jewish group Yung Yidish [Jung Idysz], operating in 1919­1921 in Łódź, included as many as four women: Ida Brauner (1892-1949), Zofia Gutentag (1893-1989), Pola Lindenfeld (1894-1942) and Dina Matus (1899-after 1940), who started their artistic activity at the time. Such a large participation of women was unique compared to other artistic avant-garde circles of that time in Poland. The small number of works preserved does not allow for a thorough assessment of the achievements of Yung Yidish women-members. Graphic works created during the period of group's activity show significant similarities to the work of their colleagues - Jankiel Adler, Marek Szwarc, Icchok Brauner and Henryk (Henoch) Barciński. Against this background, the "Dancing Fire"["Tańczący Ogień"] almanac and especially the three volumes of poetry published by the Achrid publishing house in Łódź deserve special attention. These books are illustrated with linocuts by Ida Brauner, Dina Matus and Estera Karp [Carp] (1897-1970). Their works are distinguished primarily by the introduction of intense colors, but also the dynamics of forms, the deformation and simplification of shapes. This causes that part of the compositions approaches abstraction. Other volumes published by Achrid could not be found, nor is it known who was the initiator and originator of the creation of these books. It seems that the initiative could come from young artists. The Łódź-born poet Rachel Lipstein-Minc (1899-1978) and painter Estera Karp also took part in this undertaking. Further research is necessary to get to know better the activities of this women circle and their artistic output.

