„Czu d[er] towfil”
Jeszcze o Poliptyku Zwiastowania z Jednorożcem z wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety, jego fundacji i twórcach / More about the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych from the St. Elisabeth’s Church in Wrocław, its foundation and creators
Identifier (Artikel)
ALEKSANDRA SIECZKOWSKA (University of Wroclaw) / “Czu d [er] towfil”. More about the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych from the St. Elisabeth’s Church in Wroclaw, its foundation and creators
The article discusses the circumstances of the commissioning and execution of an altarpiece for the St. Elisabeth’s Church in Wroclaw, identified with the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych, on the basis of assumptions formulated in the previous literature on the subject. Basing on archival records in the form of accounts kept during the fundraising, the author attempts to reconstruct the chronology and method of financing the commission and to identify those involved in the undertaking. In order to complete the picture of the processes accompanying collective commissions, the conclusions of this analysis are juxtaposed with the results of research on contracts for the creation of altar retables from the second half of the 15th c., preserved in Silesia. The question of the identity of the group of founders, whose anonymous images were placed on one of the painted sections of the retable, and the question of the ideological function of their anonymous collective portrait are also addressed.


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