Tarnowski zespół osadniczy Spycimira Leliwity
Postulaty badawcze i konserwatorskie
Identifier (Artikel)
BOGUSLAW KRASNOWOLSKI (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow) / The Tarnow settlement complex of Spycimir Leliwita. Research and conservation postulates
The settlement process in the Tarnow estate of Spycimir Leliwita, a knight of exceptional position at the time of Wladyslaw Lokietek, took place in three stages. In the first one, in the years 1327–1328, the villages of Tarnow Wielki and Tarnow Maly were founded under the German law, and on the mountain dominating above them the owner’s castle was erected. In the second stage, on the border between the two villages, the town of Tarnow was founded (1330) with the emolument of the land taken from Tarnow Wielki. The southern complex of fields of Tarnow Maly became the wojt’s emolument, and both villages became suburbs. Such a relationship between founded villages and founded towns finds analogies in Lipnica Murowana and Myslenice. The third stage was the foundation of villages in the immediate vicinity of Tarnow in 1331–1342. The foundation layouts – urban in Tarnow and rural in the countryside – are still recognisable, and the boundaries encompassing the field complexes can be inscribed in modular rectangles measurable in Franconian lans. Similar processes took place later in another complex of the Leliwitas’ estates, in the Brzesko region. Studies on urban and rural foundation layouts should not focus on individual settlement layouts, but should take into account the related estate complexes. Foundation settlement complexes, an important element of the cultural landscape, should be under conservation protection.


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