Niezależność artystycznej zabawy a jej użyteczność społeczna / The autonomy of artistic play and its social utility
Identifier (Artikel)
MANFRED BATOR / The autonomy of artistic play and its social utility
The subject matter of the text consists of a presentation of phenomena, actions and visual interventions that took place in Wroclaw mainly from the 1980s until 2021. The author focuses his attention primarily on the extra-systemic and pro-social activities of professional artists in close cooperation with the local environment of the now revitalised housing neighbourhoods (mainly Wroclaw Nadodrze, Przedmiescie Olawskie and housing complexes of blocks of flats. The main feature of these artistic initiatives is the assumption by professionals of a servile function towards the thematic and aesthetic expectations of the local community. For this reason, this phenomenon has a distinct character, as it undermines the commonly understood value of artistic realisations as well as the social status of the artist.


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