Uwagi o sztuce wrocławskiego strukturalizmu / Notes on the art of Wrocław Structuralism
Identifier (Artikel)
ANDRZEJ KOSTOLOWSKI (The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw) / Notes on the art of Wroclaw Structuralism
The text discusses Wroclaw Structuralism – an art current presented (mainly in painting, but also appearing in other art forms in Wroclaw from the late 1950s and maintaining its influence until the present day. Its genesis is noteworthy. On the one hand, it is indirectly influenced by the context of a city gutted during the war, undergoing reconstruction. On the other hand, in accordance with the reduction of illusionism and the adoption of the “reconstructive” character of attitudes in the abstract and concrete art, the artists in Wroclaw took up a structural theme. From the very beginning it differed in comparison to similar approaches in other centres due to the fact that in Wroclaw extremely sophisticated colour appeared to accompany the subtly treated forms. The leading figures of Wroclaw structuralism (including Wanda Golkowska, Jozef Halas, Alfons Mazurkiewicz, Jerzy Rosolowicz) owe much to the influence of Wladyslaw Strzemiński’s unism. Some of these individuals emphasised the transcendence of creativity. Several of the Wroclaw structuralists developed conceptual ideas.


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