Neoklasycyzm, nowy klasycyzm, klasycyzm akademicki - formy klasyczne w architekturze polskiej 1907-1914

  • Krzysztof Stefański (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Neo-Classicism, Classicism, Academic Classicism - Classical Forms in the Polish Architecture 1907-1914

Around 1910 one can see a revival of Classical form in the European architecture, in particular on German Lands and in Russia. It had a conspicuous reflection in the Polish architecture, especially in the main centres of the Russian part of Poland: Warsaw and Lodz, as well as, in limited degree, in Vilna, all remaining under the influence of St Petersburg. It was also visible within the Austrian part of Poland (in Galicia), in Lviv and in Cracow, as well as in the main centre of the Prussian part, Poznan. This important current in the Polish architecture of 1907-1914 has not been thoroughly described and analysed so far. Also, it has not been given a specific name in the terminology concerning the period. In this article it is proposed to adapt the term Neo-Classicism to name this current. Such a term, referring to Classical forms which occurred c. 1910, is used in Russia, it also gains popularity in German and English language literature. It seem fully justified to use in also in Polish writings, where the term Neo-Classicism was used as synonym of Classicism, the latter referring also to the art of the 2nd half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. The term Neo-Classicism has already been used in some Polish publications in reference to stylistic forms originating in 1907-1914 and it should be introduced much wider to the Polish Art History. It should coincide with the new interpretation of relations between Neo-Classicism (of the new specific meaning proposed hereby) and other terms used in literature, such as New Classicism and Academic Classicism.

