Krytyczny głos duchowieństwa wobec współczesnej architektury i sztuki sakralnej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym (na przykładzie terenów byłej dzielnicy pruskiej)

  • Karolina Zimna-Kawecka (Author)

Identyfikatory (Artykuł)


Art criticism of the clergy towards contemporary sacred architecture and art in the interwar period (exemplified on the terrains of the former Prussian district)

The sacred art has always represented one of the most important trends in artistic creation. In the interwar years in Poland both the architecture of churches and their interior decorations played the main role in propagating the spirit of patriotism and polish culture on the reunified terrains, especially at the western and eastern parts of Poland. This action took a form of the organized movement controlled by the central authorities and called the “national policy”. The main elements used in the purpose of unifying the Polish nation was a catholic religion and the church. Clergy obtained then the right of a respectful public opinion and could influence, in that way, the process of shaping the national culture, continuing pre-war traditions.The present article is taking an attempt of explaining of the clergy’s opinion and the policy of their acts concerning the new sacred art and the architecture of temples, including the monumental ones, which were given a new interior decorations. The issues mentioned above are based on the analysis of the materials concerned the so called former Prussian district – Greater Poland and Pomerania region.Reaserchers of the architecture of the Second Polish Republic (Filip Burno, Grażyna Ruszczyk) say about two cardinal artistic trends: the traditional, historical one, reaching the elements of early modern period, and the modernist one. The choice of forms depended, on the one hand on the artists and architects themselves, on the other hand however, they had to consider expectations of those who ordered the projects, for example citizens of any town or village, parish councils or clergy. These societies often refused innovative designs. Preferencies of the forms of historical styles, characteristic for the Borderlands, were treated as a reference to the historic period of prosperity of the Polish state before time of partitions and marked the countries. Presented opinions discussed in public as well as the analysis of the source materials show, however, the complexity of the whole issue connected with assessment of the sacred art of those times. What is crucial, despite a common opinion, priests did not criticize the avant-garde trends in art. Their attitude to new but not confirmed modernistic art and architectural solutions was rather careful. They reckoned that such buildings like churches should be distinguished due to their special and unique purpose.

