Une symphonie des cultures ?

La musique et le théâtre dans l’exposition internationale viennoise de 1892

  • Claire Couturier (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


From May 7 to October 9, 1892, an international exhibition was held in Vienna, the aim of which was to present the evolution of theater and music, from their origins and through each country. Focusing on the musical aspect of the event, this article examines the contradiction between the organizers’ initial idea and the final result. Analysis centers on the historical context that necessitated the setting up of a new event and its consequences for the event’s organization. This observation leads to a study of the methodology used and the resulting hierarchy, even though the initial project aimed to avoid competition and conflict. With a focus on the ethnographic aspect of the Rotonde and the place given to the operetta, we will finally question the valuations and exclusions brought to light by the exhibition and ask if the event generated the “symphony of cultures” initially hoped for.


Ausstellung, Musik, Theater, Wien