„Capturing Iran’s Past“

Zeitgenössische Fotografie und „Curatorial Activism“ im Museum für Islamische Kunst. Ein Zwischenruf

  • Agnes Rameder (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


Using the example of the exhibition Capturing Iran’s Past, which was displayed in the Museum of Islamic Arts in Berlin, in 2019, I discuss problems that arise when contemporary art is exhibited in historical museums. By drawing on critical curatorial theory, analysis of exhibitions, and my own reflections as a co-curator of Capturing Iran’s Past, I argue that these problems are grounded in the ignorance of contemporary art museums toward artists who are operating outside the geographical canon. Therefore, works of artists who are not based in Europe/North-America are often presented in ethnographic or Islamic museums, which work primarily with historical artifacts rather than contemporary art. However, these museums are practicing curatorial activism by providing space for these very artists.


Kuratorische Theorie, Zeitgenössische Kunst, Iranische Fotografie, Dekolonialisierung, Curatorial Activism