Stella Kramrisch and the Transculturation of Art History

  • Jo Ziebritzki (Autor/in)

    Jo Ziebritzki is a postdoctoral researcher and teacher of art history at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Her areas of expertise include the history of art history, modern art in Europe and South Asia, gender studies and transcultural studies. Ziebritzki has published articles on these themes with journals such as Grey Room, The Journal of Art Historiography, Kritische Berichte and Kunst und Politik. Her monograph Stella Kramrisch. Kunsthistorikerin zwischen Europa und Indien. Ein Beitrag zur Depatriarchalisierung der Kunstgeschichte (Büchner, 2021) received the Jutta-Held-Award (2021).

  • Matthew Vollgraff (Autor/in)

    Matthew Vollgraff is a historian of science, media, and visual culture with a focus on modern Germany and its global entanglements. He is Senior Research Fellow in the History of Art at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is a member of the NOMIS project ‘Depictured Worlds: The Perceptual Power of Pictures’. His first book, The Imperial Childhood of World Art, is forthcoming with the Bard Graduate Center.

Identifier (Artikel)


Ziebritzki, J., & Vollgraff, M. (2024). Stella Kramrisch and the Transculturation of Art History. 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual, 5(4), 787–810.