(En)tangling with Artificial Life

  • Sofia Crespo (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


This article explores the artist’s relationship with Nature and her experience of Nature as a form of digital “consumption”. The author analyzes the limit that divides what can be qualified as “natural” or “artificial” life. Taking into consideration the artistic practice of the author, where she considers that curating a set of data, training a neural network and exploring the results of the model produced can be understood as a form of meditation around a subject. Finally, it exposes how artificial life can be an experimental interface, for within the digital we can find countless ways to create experiences and interactions. It is also possible to create digital life forms that can be understood as autonomous actors. It can be a place where we can explore a potentially countless amount of alternative narratives that in turn will perhaps allow us to see our physical world in a slightly different light.


Zonas de contacto author
nature, artificial inteligence, artificial life, artistic practices, generative life forms
How to Cite
Crespo, Sofia. 2022. “(En)tangling With Artificial Life”. International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 7 (May):2.02-2.17. https://doi.org/10.11588/dah.2021.7.82303.