Wozu Literatur und warum eigentlich? Schulischer Fremdsprachenunterricht in Zeiten der Kompetenzorientierung am Beispiel der zweiten lebenden Fremdsprache in Österreich

  • Monika Neuhofer (Autor/in)


The study traces recent changes in language teaching at Austrian schools. The new syllabus in its orientation towards action and practical skills sets communication as the main goal. There are no further binding dispositions, apart from the level of language proficiency to be reached. This new orientation is echoed by standardised final exams which are strictly oriented towards the assessment of “skills”. Literature therefore has come to play a secondary role in language teaching. However, perspective changes if you substitute the question what for? by the question why? There seems to be no need for literature in a teaching focused on skills, but there are still good reasons for integrating it. Literature could encourage a critical and reflective attitude, both among pupils as among teachers. It could thus also serve to counter a functionalistic discourse on teaching.


Akademisches Fachgebiet und Untergebiete
handlungsorientierter Fremdpsrachenunterricht, Kompetenzorientierung, standardisierte Reifeprüfung, Österreich, Literatur, Funktionalisierung