Las dimensiones del espacio en el auto sacramental. Una historia (teórico-espacial) de género desde los Siglos de Oro hasta la posmodernidad

  • Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf (Autore)
    Romanisches Seminar der Universität Heidelberg

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The article provides a brief summary of the author’s monograph The ‘(un)holy’ space. The dimensions of space in the auto sacramental. A (space-theoretical) genre history from the early modern period to postmodernism. After a short presentation of the main theoretical approaches and theses, some of the central results of the analyses of autos sacramentales from the beginning of the genre up to today are outlined.


Parole chiave
Corpus Christi play, Eucharist, Reformation, Counterreformation, space, genre history, sacramental play, transsubstantiation, reform, allegory, stage-wagon, chariot, performane, chronotope, heterotopy, third space