Infancia y militancia en el cine latinoamericano de las generaciones segundas Postales de Leningrado, El premio, Diário de uma busca

  • Cecilia González (Autor)
    Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Identificadores (Artigo)

Identificadores (Documentos)


This paper aims to study the cinematic reworking of 1960s and 70s revolutionary militancy in a corpus of early 21st century Latin American films (El premio (2011) by Paula Markovich, Postales de Leningrad (2007) by Mariana Rondón, and Crónica de uma fuga (2006) by Flavia Castro). 

Our main objectives are: (1) to study the mechanisms of (re)constructing identities and genealogies typical of post memory generations; (2) to analyze the intersections and interferences between the familiar paradigm and the militant paradigm in these stories of the recent past; (3) to reflect on the construction of a generational narrating instance that articulates the private and the public in a statement that explores new forms of political films; (4) to think about bridges linking this film production with other narrative genres, like novel, visual arts, theater, and about the relations between militant commitment and figures of the past and of the present. 


Área e subárea do Conhecimento
second generation, childhood, militancy, Paula Markovitch, Mariana Rondón, Flavia Castro