Queer Reefs – A Queer Ecological Journey into Blasted Seascapes

  • Rasa Weber (Autor/in)

    Rasa Weber is a designer, researcher, and diver working on the intersection of practice-based research and environmental change, with a focus on the ocean as a space for artistic research and queer ecological figurations. She is a research associate at «Interfacing the Ocean» (SNF project at ZHdK) and research associate at «Matters of Activity» (HU-Berlin). In her PhD «SymbiOcean» (ZHdK and Kunstuni Linz) she investigates the creation of artificial reefs to reinterpret design as a sympoietic act.

Identifier (Artikel)


Coral reefs in the Anthropocene, emerging as impure and disturbed life forms, can be seen as unexpected sources of hope in catastrophic times. The current conservation debate on the preservation of ‹pristine› reefs is in urgent need of a re-reading through the lens of queer ecologies: namely, the reconceptualization of reefs as spaces of ‹impurity›, ‹brokenness› and ‹the wild›. Blasted seascapes could offer a glimpse of a convivial future that holds promise for queer ways of life.

blasted landscapes, queer ecology, coral reefs, ocean, impurity

