Torgil Magnuson, Rome in the Age of Bernini. Bd. I: From the Election of Sixtus V to the Death of Urban VIII, Bd. II: From the Election of Innocent X to the Death of Innocent XI

  • Jörg Martin Merz (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)

Identifier (Dateien)


Rezension zu:

Torgil Magnuson, Rome in the Age of Bernini. Bd. I: From the Election of Sixtus V to the Death of Urban VIII, IX, 388 S., 295 unnumerierte Abb., Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, New York Humanities Press, 1982. Bd. II: From the Election of Innocent X to the Death of Innocent XI, VIII, 404 S. inkl. Index für beide Bände, 249 unnumerierte Abb., gleicher Verlag, 1985. (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handlingar, Antikvariska serien, 33 und 38).

