Od Grecji do Rzymu − antyczne idee w nowej odsłonie dawnej tradycji. Teatry „Gardzienic”

  • Jerzy Uścinowicz (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


From Greece to Rome: ideas of Antiquity in a new version of an ancient tradition: the “Gardzienice” Theatre

The text presents both completed and uncompleted architectural projects made in the years 2004–2012 for the Centre for Theatre Practices “Gardzienice”, which were locations for creative meetings of people of different traditions, cultures, nations and religions. These projects tried to refer ideologically to the ancient ethos of the „Gardzienice” theatre. Operating with the language of symbols and archetypes - through the forms and orders of architecture and discrete incorporations and fusions of antique cultural-historical structures with nature and ‘fallen’ matter - they attempted to transfer the ideological values of the various ancient theatrical initiations of „Gardzienice” into the space of history, cult, culture and nature. Using models of ancient theatrical stages - both Greek and Roman - as well as their traditional prototypes and transpositions, they sought a new, symbolic embodiment of the ancient spirit of the place of Antiquity still smouldering in Gardzienice.

