Międzynarodowe Festiwale Teatru Otwartego. Wrocław jako forum dla Europy

  • Magdalena Gołaczyńska (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


International Festivals of the Open Theatre. Wrocław as a forum for Europe

In the middle of the 1960s, Wrocław became one of the most original provincial centres of European theatre. It was thanks to organization of the International Festival of the Open Theatre created by Bogusław Litwiniec and the artists from Student Theatre “Kalambur”. Wrocław was a forum of the artistic exchange between the communist East and the counter-culture West. What is more, it became an enclave of freedom during the festival. The paper presents the ideas of the festival (open art), its editions from the 1960s and 70s , and the best performances — both from Poland and abroad.

