Marek Szwarc: Jung Idysz i Bunt

  • Eleonora Jedlińska (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


Marek Szwarc: Young Yidish and Bunt Groups

Marek Szwarc, Jewish-Polish-French sculptor and painter was born in Zgierz in 1892 - died in Paris in 1958. He was one of the founders of Jung Yidish group acting in Łódź from 1919 to 1921. The group was one of the most important circles of Jewish painters, writers and poets who regularly met in Łódź and Warsaw. The members of the group organized readings, performance evenings and lectures in Yidish. Other members of the group were the poets, painters, sculptors and writers (Henryk Barciński, Moshe Broderson, Jankel Adler, Ida Lindenfeld, Ida Brauner, Vincent Brauner, Yekheskel Moshe Neuman, Yitshak Katzenelson). The Young Yidish group established and developed artistic relations with Polish avant-garde groups, especially with Poznań expressionist group Bunt in which, for example Stanisław Kubicki, Jerzy Hulewicz and Władysław Skotarek, worked. In the papers "Zdrój", edited by Bunt, and "Jung Yidish') edited in Łódź, Szwarc published reproductions of his works. Marek Szwarc was a religious Jew and Catholic "but it was rather the mystical aspect of his faith that made sense to me and which I formulated not so much in terms of his Catholicism and Hassidic terms" (by Meyer Levin, 1961).

