
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • We welcome contributions for Pylon 5. The provisional deadline for Pylon 5 is May 15, 2024. Anything arriving later than that cannot be guaranteed publication in volume 5 but would certainly be considered for volume 6.
  • Initial submissions can be in any one of the following word processing formats: .docx, .odt, .pages. The inclusion of a PDF will help the reviewer see how the content is intended to display.
  • Please include any images that will facilitate the vetting process.
  • Ensure that the article has been edited for grammar and style and that references are accurate and complete. While the author is not expected to submit a fully marked up version of the article before it has been accepted for publication, he or she is advised to follow the guidelines provided by the journal for formatting bibliography, papyrological references etc.

Author Guidelines

  • Guidelines for the initial submission of an article may be found here.
  • Once the article has been accepted for publication, authors will be asked to mark up sections and provide Leiden+ versions of any texts and translations in it. This will aid the conversion of the word processing file to XML, which will be conducted via P3-processing. Instructions on to how to carry out this mark up may be found here. Templates for the mark up as well as two examples of such templates may be found here. Editors will also be able to assist.


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Names and email addresses entered on the journal's web pages are used exclusively for the purposes stated and are not passed on to third parties.