
Fonts and layout

  • Make sure to use Unicode fonts throughout. You may use any Unicode font for the Greek, Coptic, Latin,  Demotic and Arabic. As all articles will be transformed to XML and then to HTML / PDF, a standard house style will be applied.
  • You may format your paragraphs and sections as you like. Please present text editions in the standard fashion (see example below). These will also be formatted in the house style anyway.

Citing sources
Papyri, ostraca, tablets

  • Papyrological texts are to be cited according to the abbreviations of checklist for Greek, Latin, Coptic and Demotic papyri. For Arabic, refer to
  • Citations should follow this pattern: P.Oxy. 1 133.3; BGU 1 118 Col. 2.9-10; P.Eirene 3 17 V 2.
    • A comma can be used instead of a dot to separate text and line number: P.Oxy. 1 133,3, if that is the tradition in a language other than English.
    • Berichtigungsliste: BL 3.235
    • Please add hyperlinks to citations regarded as desirable for the reader of the article to consult; these can include documents in the DDbDP, literary papyri in DCLP, inscriptions in SEG etc.
  • Use BC/AD or BCE/CE with dates, but these specifications should only be included if necessary and employed consistently. If all dates are AD or CE this can be made clear in a footnote. In referring to centuries use Arabic numerals and the shortest possible abbreviation for the word century in brief citations, e.g. 7th c. or 7. Jh.  (In full prose it is acceptable to spell out the word "century.")
  • When giving the date of a papyrus for citation of sources, the day and month should be omitted, unless they are of importance
  • For provenance in the citation of sources, unless it is necessary to be more precise, the nome or city should be given preference (no more than one place name, unless essential): P.Oxy. 3 473 (138-160, Naucratis); SB 28 17090 (116, Krokodilo); P.Fay. 110 (94, Arsinoites)




  • For classical authors, use the abbreviations of LSJ (see also DGE) and OLD. Books, chapters or sections should be indicated with Arabic numbers separated by dots without spacing, e.g. Plb. 2.69.9.
    • The Neue Pauly also has a list (possibly slightly clearer in some cases) that can be used.
  • For Greek patristic authors, give the abbreviations found in Lampe’s Patristic Greek Lexicon.


  • Make sure you have permission to publish the papyri you are editing.
  • No lunate sigmas. Use mid- and final sigmas throughout.
  • Do not capitalize the first word of each sentence in the papyrus text. Capitalize personal names, toponyms, regnal titles (Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ etc.) and month names.
  • Before conversion to XML, Greek, Coptic, Latin texts will be marked up in Leiden+. The apparatus will follow the conventions of This means there is no way to render abbreviations in the apparatus (no raised letters or glyphs such as those found in IFAOGrec Unicode). Such features should be described in prose sections of the article.
  • Ancient diacritical marks should be included.
  • Please use Latin abbreviations, such as l. or ex corr.
  • In editions of ancient texts all abbreviated words will be expanded as fully as possible. E.g. when dealing with drachmas, do not give (δρ.), but rather, (δραχμαὶ), (δραχμὰς) and, for unknown cases, (δραχμ- ).


For every article please submit a bibliography. Our style is

  • Monographs: author(s) surname, forename (date of publication), title, place of publication
    • Bagnall, R.S. and Frier, B.W. (1994) The Demography of Roman Egypt. Cambridge.
  • Edited and Collected Volumes: author(s) surname, forename (date of publication), article title, vol. editors, book title, place of publication
    • Cuvigny, H. (2014) “Papyrological Evidence on Barbarians in the Egyptian Eastern Desert,” in J.H.F. Dijkstra and G. Fisher (eds), Inside and Out: Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity. Leuven – Paris – Walpole.
    • Lewald, H. (1952) “Eine Synchoresis aus der Zeit des Commodus: Papyrus Rainer G. 25817,” in Studi in onore di Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz nel XLV anno del suo insegnamento, vol. 3. Naples: 429-438.
  • Journal Articles: author(s) surname, forename (date of publication), title, journal, volume number, pages
    • Sijpesteijn, P.J. (1983) “Nachlese zu Wiener Texten,” ZPE 50: 133-134.
  • Authors should provide the biblio ids from by inserting hyperlinks (if they cannot be found, then they will be created and supplied before the submission is converted to XML). The main point is that biblio ids are searched for and supplied at the earliest possible moment.
  • Provide any stable identifiers (jstor, or DOIs if they are available and known to you.

Sample bibliography: