Book reviews - Buchbesprechungen

  • Mikkel Sørensen (Auteur)
  • Iza Romanowska (Auteur)
  • Mara-Julia Weber (Auteur)
  • Natalie T. Uomini (Auteur)
  • Matthew V. Caruana (Auteur)
  • Felix Riede (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)


Rezension zu: Tuija Rankama (ed.), Mesolithic Interfaces – Variability in Lithic Technologies in Eastern Fennoscandia, The Archaeological Society of Finland, 2011,  253 pages, Hardback and electronic, ISBN 978-951-98021-9-0; Download from:

Rezension zu: Kathryn Holmes, GIS Simulation of the Earliest Hominid Colonisation of Eurasia, ArchaeoPress, Bar International Series 1597, Oxford 2007, 148 pages, ISBN 978 1 4073 0013 9

Rezension zu: Boris Valentin, Jalons pour une paléohistoire des derniers chasseurs (XIVe-VIe millénaire avant J.-C.), Cahiers Archéologiques de Paris 1 – 1, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2008, 325 Seiten, ISBN 978-2-85944-597-3

Rezension zu: Beccy Scott, Becoming Neanderthals: the earlier British Middle Palaeolithic; Oxbow Books, Oxford and Oakville, 2011, 243 pages, ISBN 978-1-84217-973-4

Rezension zu: Christopher J. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico (eds.), Homo Symbolicus: The Dawn of Language, Imagination and Spirituality, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2011, 237 pages, ISBN 978 90 272 1189 7

Rezension zu: Matthew D. Eddy (ed.), Prehistoric minds: human origins as a cultural artefact, 1780-2010, Notes & Records of the Royal Society 65 (1), Special Issue, 2011, 98 pages. ISBN: 978-0-85403-881-7, ISSN: 0035-9149, doi:10.1098/rsnr.2010.0097; Download from:

