Bluemetrie cd. nowe prace Urszuli Wilk / Bluemetries cont. new works by Urszula Wilk
Identifier (Artikel)
MAREK SNIECINSKI (The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw) / Bluemetries cont. – new works by Urszula Wilk
The text is about the painting creativity of Urszula Wilk, especially the issue of space in the works of this outstanding Lower Silesian artist. This theme recurs in many of Wilk’s realizations, at times being their key element. Painting analyses and penetrations of space are present above all in the works of the Bluemetries series, in which the artist applies both classical painting techniques on traditional supports and methods of painting performance, creating elaborate installations. The main objects of analysis here are the works that the artist recently presented in 2021 at the “El” Gallery in Elblag, as well as realisations from exhibitions at the Neon Gallery of the Academy of Art and Design and the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław from 2016. Raised in Wilk’s works the issues of the image (realization) and the artist’s delineation of the field of play for the viewers, as well as defining the role that the viewers have to play in the physical and intellectual space of the work, are the main areas of consideration in the text.


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