Linking the historical and retro-avant-gardes by questioning the periphery-center relationship
The case of Trieste, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade
Identifier (Artikel)
TOMAŽ TOPORIŠIČ (University of Ljubljana) / Linking the historical and retro-avant-gardes by questioning the periphery-Centre relationship: the case of Trieste, Ljubljana and Belgrade
The essay outlines two attempts to revolutionize the periphery-centre relationship in Central and Eastern Europe. First belongs to the time of the historical avant-gardes of the 1920s and 1930s. The second to the retro-gardes at the turn of the centuries, that re-enacted some basic ideas of the constructivist and futurist utopian questions. The retro- and post-generations were proud to announce that they are the heirs of the artistic generation of the constructivists and zenitists, that wanted to promote Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade and Trieste as the centres of the new art, to establish a new bridge between the East and West.


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