Fotografia artystyczna we Wrocławiu / Fine-art photography in Wrocław

Zarys historii i stan obecny / Outline of history and current state

  • Andrzej Saj (Autor)

Identyfikatory (Artykuł)


ANDRZEJ SAJ (The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw) / Artistic photography in Wroclaw. Outline of history and current state
The article presents a brief history of the formation of the photographic milieu in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia after World War II, distinguishing the authors who undertook many creative initiatives in the field of photography from the 1940s (until the mid-1980s – in the times of the People’s Republic of Poland), as well as its incorporation into the neo-avant-garde concepts of the art of those times. Then more prominent, currently active, personalities of the art of photography were interpreted and the main “assets” of the institutional potential responsible for education and promotion of art were presented. The article also contains the author’s proposal to distinguish in this environment the main trends in photographic creativity, characteristic of the analyzed period.


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