The Examination of Paintings by Rembrandt with Neutron Autoradiography and a Comparison of Neutron Autoradiography with Scanning Macro-XRF

  • Claudia Laurenze-Landsberg (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


For over 30 years, neutron autoradiography is in use for the examination of paintings from the Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, in cooperation with the Helmholz-Zentrum Berlin. It expands the spectrum of colours by a multiple whose distribution in deeper layers of paint can be made visible. Together with the X-ray photograph and infrared reflectography a comprehensive insight into the genesis of a painting is made possible. By additional application of gamma spectroscopy the darkenings on the autoradiograph can be assigned to special isotopes. The use of film allows a particularly good reproduction of the brush stroke, the technique of paint application and the conservation status (condition) of the painting. Autoradiography therefore provides art historians and conservators with a wide scope of possible interpretations. By now about 70 paintings have been examined, mainly those by Rembrandt and his circle, but also works by Vermeer, Titian, Jan Steen, Frans Hals, Rubens. The results obtained by scanning macro-XRF and neutron autoradiography on the same paintings are compared.


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neutron autoradiography, autoradiography, paintings, Rembrandt, MAX RF, micro-XRF mapping, macro-XRF, pi-XRF, X-ray fluorescence elemental scanning, X-ray fluorescence elemental imaging, scanning macro-XRF