RIHA Journal 0300-0312 | 31 May 2024

Special Issue

Gesamtkunstwerk World’s Fair. Revisioning International Exhibitions

Eds. Buket Altinoba (LMU Munich), Alexandra Karentzos (TU Darmstadt) and Miriam Oesterreich (UdK Berlin)

Table of Contents


Gesamtkunstwerk World’s Fair. Revisioning International Exhibitions. Introduction to the RIHA Journal Special Issue
Buket Altinoba (LMU Munich), Alexandra Karentzos (TU Darmstadt), Miriam Oesterreich (UdK Berlin)

Gesamtkunstwerk and the Assemblage of Things

Worldʼs Fairs and Colonialism
Beat Wyss (Prof. em., Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe)

'Buried Empires': Showmanship and the Staging of Aesthetic Knowledge at the Sydenham Crystal Palace, 1854–1855
Karen Burns (Independent Scholar)

The Crystal Palace as the Parliament of Objects: On Alexander Kluge’s Collage Film The Power of Emotion
Regine Prange (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Technology and Art

Engineers as Artists − Artists as Engineers. The Reproduction of Art Objects at the World’s Fairs
Buket Altinoba (LMU Munich)

Rationality and Progress versus Natural Creative Talent. Constructions of Masculinity in Engineering and Technology around 1900
Tanja Paulitz (TU Darmstadt)

Gender and Fashion

Gender and World’s Fairs at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: A Case Study in Panama and San Francisco
Sarah J. Moore (University of Arizona, Tucson)

Fashioning Modernity at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exhibition in St. Louis. Myths of the 'New Woman' and the 'Vanishing Indian'
Rebecca Houze (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb)

Colonial Entanglements and Postcoloniality

The Designed Object and Its Imperial Histories: On T.N. Mukharji and the Art-Manufactures of India
Tapati Guha-Thakurta (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta)

Staging and Displaying Colonialism. Art, Artifacts and Consumerism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Melanie Ulz (University of Regensburg)

The Art Exhibition at the Palais du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi at the Expo 1958 in Brussels. Searching for Perspectives
Bärbel Küster (University of Zurich)

Folkloristic Cosmopolitanism: Mexico’s Indigenist Architectures at World’s Fairs and International Exhibitions
Miriam Oesterreich (University of the Arts, Berlin)

The Making of (Post)Colonial World’s Fairs. Coping with the Duress of the Past in Today’s Representational Work
Alexa Färber (University of Vienna)