0320 "Rappresentarsi tutto come enigma"

Giorgio de Chirico e la ritrattistica degli anni Dieci

  • Giuseppe Peterlini (Author)

    Giuseppe Peterlini has been a researcher and assistant to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brassat at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg since January 2023. He studied History and Protection of Cultural Heritage at the University of Padua and Art History at the Technische Universität Dresden. From July 2017 to December 2022, he worked as a researcher in the project "Parodie und Pasquinade" of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 1285: Invektivität, in which he completed his doctorate with a thesis on visual parody and the 'negative' reception of Michelangelo Buonarroti in 16th-century Italian art (Gegen Michelangelo: die Bildparodie in der nord- und mittelitalienischen Kunst des Cinquecento, Berlin/Munich 2023). His research focuses on 16th-century Italian painting, the phenomenon of imitation, artists’ books, the work of Giorgio de Chirico and metaphysical painting.

Identifiers (Article)


Between 1910 and 1920, Giorgio de Chirico broke with the traditional conventions of painting in order to visualize Friedrich Nietzsche’s concepts of the meaninglessness of existence, appearance and the subjectivity of reality, without, however, abandoning figuration. According to de Chirico, the new art had to free itself from the anthropocentrism that had determined its course, to "see everything, even man, as a thing". The aim of this paper is to investigate whether and how the concept of the meaningless and the enigma of life are also thematised and expressed in de Chirico’s portraiture of the 1910s. The hypothesis is that the artist deliberately undermines the generally agreed principle of pictorial illusion. By thematizing the material support, he reveals its seemingly real appearance as fictitious and thus creates an irresolvable visible paradox, as in the Piazze d’Italia and the Metaphysical Interiors of the same period.


De Chirico Giorgio, Metaphysical art, portraiture, open window, Alberti Leon Battista, enigma, appearance